Uploading large objects to Cloudflare R2 using rclone

We often use Cloudflare R2 to store STIX 2.1 bundles we distribute. Many of these bundles are 100’s of Mb’s.

Here’s how we do it;

Install rclone:

To create a rclone.conf file in the path of ~/.config/rclone/.

Contents of the conf file are as follows:

type = s3
provider = Cloudflare
access_key_id = <ACCESS_KEY>
secret_access_key = <SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
region = auto
endpoint = https://<ACCOUNT_ID>.r2.cloudflarestorage.com
acl = private


  • [r2]: A custom name(an alias) for storage service. We need to use it to operate files.
  • type = s3: The type of file operation API. R2 supports the S3 standard protocol.
  • provider = Cloudflare: The storage provider ID. You could use man rclone in your terminal to get the supported providers.
  • access_key_id: You need to create a token with Admin Read & Write permissions on the R2 console (note, I am not sure if this is a bug, but I couldn’t get it to work with any other permissions levels)
  • secret_access_key: Same as above.
  • endpoint: The URL that rclone uses to operate files. To get the account id on the top-right of the R2 homepage.

To run rclone lsf r2: to see your buckets and rclone lsf r2:your-bucket to show the file list within a bucket.


rclone lsf r2:
rclone lsf r2:cti-knowledge-base-store/

To upload a file to the root of the bucket

rclone copy /path/to/file.type r2:your-bucket

To upload a file to a specific directory in the bucket

rclone copy /path/to/file.type r2:your-bucket/DIRECTORY

To upload a directory of files to a specific directory in the bucket

rclone copy /path/to/directory r2:your-bucket/DIRECTORY

other useful rclone flags…

print progress, and retry on failures during upload

rclone --exclude '.*' copy bundles/ r2:BUCKET -v --retries 10 --low-level-retries 10

delete all the bucket contents

rclone delete r2:BUCKET/ 

delete the bucket

rclone purge r2:BUCKET/