ArangoDB query API?

I’ve read a lot of your blog posts importing STIX data to ArangoDB using stix2arango.

I am just getting my head around the Arango query language, but I was wondering if there is anyway to run these queries outside of the ArangoDB UI via an API?

Hey @0101001001001 ,

Yes, there’s an API you can use to run the queries.

I’ll use the locations data in from this post

As an example to demonstrate…

The locations data is held in an database called blog_demo_database and in two collections

  1. locations_edge_collection: STIX relationship objects
  2. locations_vertex_collection: all other STIX objects

So a query might look like this

FOR doc IN locations_vertex_collection
  FILTER doc.type == "location" 
  AND CONTAINS(, "United")
  "Tanzania, United Republic of",
  "United States of America",
  "United Arab Emirates",
  "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
  "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

To run this query via the API you need your ArangoDB credentials encoded as base64

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Basic USER:PASS_BASE64_ENCODED" \
  --data '{"query":"FOR doc IN locations_vertex_collection FILTER doc.type == \"location\" AND CONTAINS(, \"United\") RETURN"}' \

Which returns:

{"result":["Tanzania, United Republic of","United States of America","United Arab Emirates","United States Minor Outlying Islands","United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"],"hasMore":false,"cached":false,"extra":{"warnings":[],"stats":{"writesExecuted":0,"writesIgnored":0,"scannedFull":293,"scannedIndex":0,"cursorsCreated":0,"cursorsRearmed":0,"cacheHits":0,"cacheMisses":0,"filtered":288,"httpRequests":0,"executionTime":7.258330006152391e-4,"peakMemoryUsage":32768}},"error":false,"code":201}%

The data you want is inside the result object.